The Future Is Glam
The exceptional talent, quality, and trainability of Glamorous Nuts’ Champion offspring speaks for itself. Though he is just beginning his breeding career and his get are still young, he already has five World’s Champion offspring to his credit: 2021 ASHBA National Futurity Weanling In Hand winner Grey Ridge Memorialize; 2022 ASHBA National Futurity Weanling In Hand winner Nougatine; 2022 Yearling Breeders Open winner Mr. Glamorous; 2024 ASHBA National Futurity Weanling In Hand winner A Glamorous Dream; and 2024 ASHBA National Futurity Yearling In Hand Grey Ridge Superman.

“Personally, I can’t wait to show one of his offspring, but as his owner, I’m most excited to see how he can help shape the next generations of Saddlebreds. I enjoy nothing more than hearing from folks that have bred to him that are thrilled with the resulting offspring and their talent and trainability.”
Elizabeth Ghareeb
Breeder & Owner

Sired by Glamorous Nuts
World’s Champions
A Glamorous Dream
Grey Ridge Memorialize
Grey Ridge Superman
Mr. Glamorous
Reserve World’s Champions
Walterway’s Sugar Nut
Futurity Champions
A Glamorous Dream (ASHBA)
Grey Ridge Superman (ASHBA)